Product Summary

“Proteus” Electronic Design Software
Proteus is an electronic design suite incorporating Schematic Capture, Circuit Simulation (including interactive microcontroller simulation and code debugging) and PCB Design.
Proteus also includes the Visual Designer drag-and-drop environment, where programs can be built using flowchart blocks; and the IoT Builder designer, where interactive front-panels can be built which will work on phone/tablet/web-browser.

Electronic Development Hardware Boards
We sell a range of electronic hardware boards for rapid project development.
These include microcontroller-boards, from large full-featured development systems to cost-effective minimalistic boards; as well as peripheral boards, covering a diverse range of function such as GPS positioning or CAN communication.

Microcontroller Compilers
Compilers convert code from high-level languages such as C, Basic or Pascal into the low-level assembler code which actually runs on a CPU. They usually also include a range of time-saving libraries, which are collections of pre-written code which assist with specific tasks.

Microcontroller Programmers
Microcontroller programmers take compiled code and load it into a microcontroller.