EVE Click is a display controller board in mikroBUS form factor. It features state-of-the-art FT800Q graphics controller which integrates display, audio and touch onto a low cost, easy-to-use, single-chip solution. With 12 embedded widgets, transparency and anti-aliasing support, PWM backlight dimming control and much more, FT800Q brings fast and visually stunning graphics even to 8-bit MCUs with little Flash and RAM. It communicates with a microcontroller over SPI interface (up to 30 MHz). EVE click contains flat cable connector, LM4864 audio amplifier, LED diode as well as screw terminals. The board is designed to use 3.3V power supply only.
EVE Click
R810.00 ex. VAT
EVE Click is a display controller board in mikroBUS form factor. It features state-of-the-art FT800Q graphics controller which integrates display, audio and touch onto a low cost, easy-to-use, single-chip solution.
Stock: Lead-time applicable.
5+ | R769.50 |
10+ | R729.00 |
15+ | R688.50 |
20+ | R662.58 |