FT900 has 100MHz maximum frequency, 256KB of Flash, 64KB of on-chip data memory and 256KB of Shadow program memory. It has an integrated Parallel Camera Interface, Ethernet, USB (Host, Device), 65 General purpose I/O pins, 4 x 16-bit timers with 32-bit watchdog function, 7 Analog Input pins (ADC), 2 UARTs, I2 S master/slave interface, internal slow clock oscillator, 2 x I2 C (master/ slave), SPI (master/slave) and 2xCAN controllers, and a debug interface.
12MHz crystal oscillator. We carefully chose the most convenient crystal value that provides clock frequency for the PLL multipliers.
MCU card also contains 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator which provides external clock waveform for the internal RTCC module.